Team up with us to make

Cloud-native applications

Dedicated software development team that works on your projects as if it was your own

Build yourself a dedicated team of experienced cloud-native developers

We work according to a wide range of development methodologies, including Agile and DevOps, and apply CI/CD approaches to speed up software delivery. Focusing on iterative development, we can deliver the first version of a new application within 6-9 months since the project ramp-up. Our developers are always enthusiastic about new technologies and non-trivial architectures to maximize the value that the developed applications bring to your business, however focusing on software reliability first.

Why Cloud-Native Applications

Faster development life cycle
Average annual benefits per 100 developers
Faster time to recover from incidents
The Business Value of Red Hat OpenShift, IDC #US41845816,

How we do it

Cloud-native with Red Hat OpenShift
Red Hat OpenShift includes everything you need to manage your development lifecycle: standardized workflows, support for multiple environments, continuous integration, release management, and more. Our Red Hat Certified Delivery Specialists take care of the application deployment and maintenance while you care about the business features
Get new features several times a day with Continous Delivery
A team of experienced software developers, SRE and DevOps engineers deploys the software several times a day to production servers, so you get the new features fast. We have practiced Agile and SCRUM since its inception, developed a more than 15 years experience delivering software fast and reliably and excelled the process with DevOps best practices to make it even more efficient.
Shorten development cycles with DevOps
We follow DevOps practices in conjuction with Agile to get more done, plain and simple. With a single team composed of cross-functional members all working in collaboration, we can deliver with maximum speed, functionality, and innovation.
Enjoy our Dedicated support
We are passionate of our job and by Dedicated support we mean we combine the power of proactive, always-on service and expertise with best-in-class tools and automation to deliver technology when and how you need it. You care of your business, we care about the technology

Benefit from Microservices Architecture
We break you monolith application down to microservices or build a new one with microservices architecture from scratch. These services are deployed independently of each other and hence its easy to identify hot services and scale them independent of whole application. Microservices also offer improved fault isolation whereby in the case of an error in one service the whole application doesn’t necessarily stop functioning. Get full advantage of Microservices with us!
Scale reliably with Kubernetes and Docker
Kubernetes lets us make your software scalbale, secure and reliabale. We use it to make sure your critical systems are always available and protected against attacks. We can flexibly deploy the new versions of the applications at no downtime and without disturbing the users working with them

Make infrastructure management flexible with Infrastructure as Code

By codifying our infrastructure, we enable better testing and quality control, more efficient and predictable deployments, and decreased recovery times. It provides improved testability and monitoring, lowers the cost of experimentation and innovation and and decreases the mean time to resolution for issues
Build new business processes easily with Application integration
We can make your exisitng applications play together via integration. We can get the data from your databases, enterprise and cloud applications, combine, transform and enrich them the way your business requires. We can build new busiess proccess on top of your applications, re-use them in a smarter way to get your company to the next level

Request a Free DevOps Workshop

We offer you a half-day free Workshop where we discuss your needs for DevOps and Cloud-native applications development and elaborate a Cloud-native strategy for your organization together.

Contact us

    We reply within 24 hours during our business hours.

    DevOps Squad

    +43 720 971 264

    Mühldorfgasse 10A, 3001 Mauerbach bei Wien